4 astuces pour encourager et apprendre à son enfant à porter le masque

4 tips to encourage and teach your child to wear the mask


As adults, we understand how important it is to wear a mask. Our children, however, might need to be more convincing. Now compulsory from the age of 6 it is therefore essential to make them understand the importance of wearing a mask. If you're having trouble convincing your child to wear their mask, read these helpful tips:

Explain why they should wear one

Talking about covid with your child

It is not enough to tell your child to wear a mask. You need him first explain why he has to wear one . In doing so, it is important that you do not scare your child. Instead, focus on the positive aspects of wearing a mask, such as how it can help protect us or family members.

be a role model

Be a child mask model

Children do what their parents do; nor do they do what their parents do not do. If you're not wearing your mask, don't expect your child to wear theirs. Be a good role model by always wearing your mask whenever appropriate.

Give masks to their toys or stuffed animals

Plush wearing a mask

You can be a role model for your children, but also for their toys or stuffed animals . Having their favorite stuffed animal wearing a mask will further encourage your child to wear their own mask. If your child has had a cuddly toy from an early age and carries it with him everywhere, he will be the perfect target!

Soft toys and cuddly toys the world of soft toys

Get the right mask

Children's mask

Even if a child understands the importance of wearing a mask, they may not wear one if they don't like the mask they have on. To further encourage them, get a mask that is comfortable and easy to carry for them. Also, consider buying one that's stylish or features their favorite color, sports team, or character.

We hope this article has helped you convince your child.

Take care of yourself and your family. See you soon for a new article.



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