Comment recoudre et réparer un nounours en peluche ou un doudou ?

How to sew and repair a stuffed teddy bear or a cuddly toy?

Your child's comforter has a tear? Did his arm or leg break? His stuffing is starting to come out?

Do not panic ! These are things that happen quite often. And that's no reason to throw it in the trash or replace it. In any case, a comforter repair is possible.

Moreover, you are not obliged to call upon a specialist surgeon for that. With the right tools, you can repair your child's stuffed animal yourself. How ?

This is what we are going to explain to you in this article! But first…

Why repair a stuffed animal?

A cuddly toy in poor condition is not necessarily to be thrown away! Everything is still fixable. The plush repair is a great way to save money. You will no longer need to take out your wallet to get a new one.

But more importantly, it allows you to keep this object with which your baby has woven a strong bond. It will be difficult for him to get rid of it if it is not yet the moment. The cuddly toy is unique and baby will not want to be exchanged for anything else. Indeed, his little companion plays an important role in his psychological development.

Want to know more about the subject? We invite you to read our article on  why a cuddly toy is important for a child .

Besides, if it was yours when you were little, a comforter repair gives it a second life. Seeing your old childhood friend again will certainly bring back pleasant memories. And when it is mended, you can give it to your child so that he in turn becomes his best friend.

In short, there are many good reasons for repairing a damaged or torn plush. All you are told is that it is better to keep and repair than to throw away. In addition, it will do a lot of good for our planet! So, let's now come back to the main subject of our article: how to repair a damaged comforter?

How to repair a stuffed toy?

Your baby's teddy bear is damaged? Or do you simply want to bring an old stuffed animal back to life?

The type of repair to adopt depends on the condition of the comforter you wish to repair. If it is new (or recent), but just damaged, it may not be necessary to empty it. A simple seam may be enough to restore it.

On the other hand, if it is an old cuddly toy that you want to revive, cleaning will be essential. In order to avoid any risk of infection or allergy, it will indeed be necessary to remove the dust and other dirt that it has accumulated during the time it has remained in the cellar or in the attic.

Finally, just follow these five simple steps for a comforter repair successful:

Step 1: Gather the materials needed to repair the comforter

A good surgeon must have all the materials and accessories necessary for the operation he is preparing to perform. In our case, only four things will be enough:

  • A scalpel or a pair of scissors;
  • A textile yarn that matches the original color of the comforter;
  • A needle;
  • A thimble.

That's it that's all ! And most of these materials, you should already have them at home. Otherwise, you can surely find some at the small DIY store next door.

Step 2: Empty the comforter

Now that all the materials of comforter repair are there, you can go to the next step: empty the stuffed animal.

Remember, it is not necessary to go through this step if the comforter is new or recent. In one of these cases, it will be necessary to go directly to step 5 or step 3 if the toy has not been cleaned for a while.

In short, to empty the plush to be repaired, you must use a scalpel or a chisel. The tool will allow you to detach the main seam of the comforter.

In general, it is located on the back. But it is also possible to find it in another place. If the toy has long fur, be sure to pull it aside so you can see the seam behind it.

After you find it, all you have to do is cut out the seam (but not all of it) and extract the stuffing there. You will see, it will smell of mold and will no longer be very healthy. Better to get rid of it as soon as possible and replace it.

Otherwise, now that the cuddly toy is empty, do not hesitate to clean the interior well to remove the odors left by the old stuffing. To make it easier for you, you can turn the plush skin completely inside out. Then, it will be enough to vacuum to be sure to have removed all the dirt.

Once that's done, you can move on to the next step. soft toy repair : cleaning the soft toy.

Step 3: clean and wash the plush

The short vacuuming will not be enough to completely disinfect your cuddly toy. It will also be necessary to wash it well so that it is very clean. And for that, you have three solutions to choose from:

  • machine washing;
  • Dry cleaning;
  • Hand washing.

Please note that the first option is not suitable for all plush toys. Some models are not machine washable. Before cleaning the comforter, you must first read the product label. The appropriate cleaning method is usually mentioned there.

If you can machine wash it, be sure to wrap it tightly in a pillow case before putting it in the washing machine. Don't forget to add a fabric softener and a special liquid wool detergent.

For a more gentle and effective dry cleaning, you can use different products. Among the most used are the baking soda and flour mixture, the dry shampoo and the potato.

Finally, if you prefer the good old method of washing by hand, use lukewarm water and a mild product for cleaning. In general, it is recommended to use drops of shampoo. But before doing anything, always take the time to check the label and see if your baby's comforter is hand washable or not.

In short, here are some comforter washing methods that can be useful to you in your approach to plush repair . If you want more details on how to do it, our article on how to clean a stuffed animal will give you some.

Step 4: Stuff the plush

Now that the plush is clean, you can now proceed to the stuffing. But before that, make sure it is dry. And after washing, the best would be to let it dry in the sun for a few hours or even a whole day. Once that's done, all that's left to do is stuff it.

Of course, there is no longer any question of putting back the padding that you previously removed. Better to replace it with new one. Naturally, you will have the choice between different types of upholstery. But for better softness and greater comfort, opt for cotton padding.

Also, when stuffing the plush, it is important to start with the head. And be especially careful not to forget its various elements such as the nose, the ears and the trunk if it is an elephant plush.

Then continue to the limbs of the cuddly toy: its arms and legs, as well as the tail if it has any. At this stage, the comforter repair is almost over! And there is only one last step to make the plush look like new again.

Step 5: sew the comforter

When you get to the point where you need to stuff the body, first take the sewing thread, the needle and the thimble. It will indeed be necessary to sew the back of the plush until there is only enough space left to put your hand.

Are you not too comfortable with the idea of ​​using a needle? Do not panic ! Sew a cuddly toy is a fairly simple operation that you can surely carry out. The whole thing is to use a rather wide needle and make loops with the thread. It's the easiest way to do it! But if you have a better technique, feel free to use it.

After sewing, taking care to leave the small space dedicated to your hand, you can continue to stuff the body and the back until the comforter is full. When this is the case, all that remains is to make the final seam. The comforter repair is then complete!

Your child's soft toy or yours is returned as new. He can play with him again.

Conclusion on how to repair a comforter

You now know that a plush repair is possible without having to spend a fortune or go through a professional. It is quite possible to repair your comforter yourself. It is enough to have in its possession the necessary tools for the operation. And the list is short. You will not need a lot of materials: only a needle, a textile thread and a pair of scissors or a scalpel.

If you apply it scrupulously, the approach that we have described in this article will ensure you a comforter repair successful. However, not all damage is repairable. If your child's soft toy is too damaged, it is sometimes better to replace it with a new one. And on , you can find a wide range of stuffed animals that will make excellent cuddly toys for your little one.

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