Le doudou pour enfants, son meilleurs ami ?

The cuddly toy for children, his best friend?

Should you give your baby a cuddly toy?

This is a common question for new parents. And it seems natural to wonder about this, because we often hear that this object is essential for our baby, that it is an awakening toy and that it helps him to fall asleep better at night.

All of this is true! Still, not all children have had one. Yet they are doing just as well as those who have never parted with them.

So, ultimately, should you give it to your baby or not?

In our opinion, that is not the real question! Where we should focus our attention is rather on the advantages provided by a baby comforter to a baby. Why is it so important for your little one? Why does he need it?

And that's the question we're going to answer in this blog post. But before getting to the heart of the matter, it seems appropriate to define beforehand what a cuddly toy for children is.

So, what is a cuddly toy?

A cuddly toy is something that cannot be precisely defined. So much, it is very varied from one baby to another. Most of the time, it's a toy or stuffed animal . However, it can also be a t-shirt, a bib, a duvet, a simple piece of fabric...

In short, a baby comforter can be anything! Their only common point is that baby attaches particular importance to it. It is his favorite object. He never separates from it. He follows him everywhere. Whether it's to go to bed, to daycare, to the park... her little companion accompanies her.

In a simplistic way, this is how we can define a cuddly toy : an object to which babies become attached from an early age.

Good to know: among psychologists, it is also called “transitional object”. Admittedly, the name does not sound very poetic! However, it has a very specific meaning that we will explain to you in the following paragraph.

What is a baby comforter used for?

If you have come to read this article, it is because you have already heard somewhere that:

  • the cuddly toy allows babies to comfort and reassure themselves;
  • it gives baby a sense of security;
  • soft toys help baby grow by being more independent;
  • it allows baby to face new and difficult situations more easily;
  • it helps baby to fall asleep well;
  • this object allows baby to better live the separation with the parents.

Well, this is all true! And these are all good reasons to offer a comforter to a child.

Indeed, if your little one has so much trouble parting with this object, it is because it is important to him. Why ?

First, because your toddler will need comfort when he begins to understand that he is not one with his mother. This distinction generally occurs after 6 months. He begins to realize that his mother is in fact a different person from him, and that he is an individual in his own right.

Naturally, this process of detachment is not easy for your baby. He will feel frustrated and will need reassurance and consolation. And it's the child comforter who will help give it all.

Whoever he is, this thing will offer him assurance, appeasement and gentleness. Squeezing him or playing with him will give him a sense of security, it's as if his parents or the elements that surround him daily are always by his side.

The comforter as a transitional object

In a way, this toy therefore facilitates the transition. And that's why it's called a “transitional object”.

This transitional object soft toy will keep your little one company when you're not there. It will compensate for your absence and help him develop more autonomy.

Do not hesitate to have him accompany his faithful friend when he goes to the nursery or to the park. Also, give it to him when he asks for it. Don't deprive him of it, especially when he goes to bed, when he's upset or when he's hurt himself somewhere. He will need his friend to comfort him!

What cuddly toy to give your baby?

Your baby has just been born. Birth gifts will arrive afloat. And for the most part, your loved ones will be giving stuffed animals and toys as usual. Maybe among them is the future baby comforter of your newborn. But you still don't know!

Be that as it may, there is no point in rushing to this or that object! When the time is right, baby will choose his own cuddly toy himself. And when this is the case, you must respect his choice.

But do not worry ! Baby will not risk choosing an object that could hurt him. In general, children set their sights on a soft and pleasant object. An object that they will be able to cuddle and cuddle.

Thus, in relation to the question "which cuddly toy to choose?" the answer is that the choice is therefore not yours. It is up to your child to choose which one will become his faithful companion. And whatever his choice, you must not discuss it. Because ultimately, there is no good or bad cuddly toy. As long as it fulfills its role as a transitional object, it will be beneficial for your little one.

Furthermore, it is good to know that each child comforter is unique. He is irreplaceable. From the moment your baby has designated it as his cuddly toy, he will remain so forever.

Over time, the object will acquire a smell and a texture that will allow baby to distinguish it from any other object, even perfectly identical. He will get used to this smell which will give him a feeling of comfort and security.

For all these reasons, don't expect to easily separate him from his cuddly toy. There are some rather easy tricks for this and we will tell you about them in the following paragraphs.

When to separate child and cuddly toy?

Baby is starting to age and you are now planning to separate him from his cuddly toy. Well, you shouldn't do that, because it's a bad idea! Why do you ask? We will explain it to you right away!

Remember, your little one adopted his baby comforter when he felt the need. Well, he will part with it naturally when he no longer feels the need to have it. And when exactly will that be?

Hard to say! But in general, a child gets rid of his lifelong friend between the ages of 3 and 5 years. However, this does not mean that you should force him to give it up if he refuses to do so even at the age of 6. Nope !

You have to give your child time to separate himself from his favorite object. If he can't do without it, it's because he still needs it. The cuddly toy could still be useful to him in stressful situations. So, avoid forcing his hand.

Otherwise, here are several reasons that can push a child to abandon his cuddly toy:

  • Most of the time, it's when he begins to appropriate the words and now knows how to express himself in a completely different way.
  • Baby will also get rid of his cuddly toy when he acquires more autonomy. In which case, he will be able to face situations of stress or change on his own.
  • Your child starts hanging out with friends and doing activities outside the home. He will then feel less alone and will not need as much comfort and companionship as before. He will gradually abandon his cuddly toy.

Finally, when your child gradually moves away from his baby comforter is a sign that he has grown and evolved. But don't be surprised if he comes back to ask. He may be going through a difficult situation and needs his cuddly toy to comfort him. But do not panic ! He is not likely to attach himself to it as strongly as before.

How to separate a child from his comforter to wash it?

When the time has not yet arrived, your child will never want to part with his baby comforter . However, at some point you have to take it off to wash it. This is essential to remove all the dirt that has accumulated on the cuddly toy and prevent baby from getting sick. (To learn more about the maintenance of a stuffed animal, we invite you to read our article on how to wash a stuffed animal

So how to proceed?

First of all, we don't advise you to take it away suddenly or by force. Baby will certainly not appreciate! It is better to proceed with tact. And here are some tricks that might work. Be aware, however, that they will be especially suitable if your child's cuddly toy is a stuffed animal, which is most of the time the case.

  • When buying a soft toy for your baby, get it in two identical models. So when you go to wash one, you can give it the other and vice versa. If you do this regularly, your baby will only see fire. But be careful, the two cuddly toys must have the same smells. If not, it might not work!
  • Does your child already go to nursery? So now is the perfect time to wash your baby comforter plush. That said, you will have to check the drying time carefully so that the comforter is ready in time for your child's return. He might have tears if he doesn't see him when he gets home from daycare.
  • You can also clean the cuddly toy at the same time as you bathe your little one. You will take the opportunity to make him understand that his companion also needs to take a bath of time.

Conclusion on why a cuddly toy is important for a child?

A child comforter is important for a number of reasons. For your baby, it is a source of comfort and security. He likes to be around when you're away or when he's dealing with a stressful situation. The cuddly toy compensates for your absence by providing softness, tenderness and a feeling of security. It is therefore crucial to give it to him when you spend less time together.

Although often presented in the form of plush, the baby comforter can be another object that your baby has close at hand and likes. You should not choose him for him. Baby will choose it himself when the time comes.

Finally, although it is possible to help your child get rid of his cuddly toy, it is essential to let him get rid of it at his own pace. He will end up abandoning it when he no longer feels the need to cling to it.

That's about all you need to know about the importance of a comforter for a child. This transitional object will benefit him. But always remember that every child is different. If some have a strong need to have a cuddly toy by their side, others can do without it without worry.



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